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Six New Year Resolutions For Beauty Lovers

Six New Year Resolutions For Beauty Lovers
Emily Cotton
Beauty Editor4 years ago
View Emily Cotton's profile

We’re not normally ones for New Year resolutions, especially the kind that suggest eating pizza in your PJs on a Friday night isn’t a balanced way to live... But what we are into, is making a bit more effort to take better care of ourselves. After all, if we don’t take charge of pampering numero uno, who will eh?

So to start the year off right, we’ve laid out six new beauty goals that we’re hoping to keep up for the 12 months ahead. Fancy joining us? Here's where to start...


Beauty New Year's Resolution #1 - Wash Your Makeup Brushes More Often

If you’re already doing it, bravo! If you’re not, take a moment to consider the bacteria that can build up on bristles between uses... Not to mention the dust and debris they can pick up from rolling around your makeup bag or being left on the dressing table! Clean brushes are a huge factor in keeping your skin clear and healthy.

Not sure where to start? We've put together an easy to follow guide on How To Clean Your Makeup Brushes. It includes not only step by step instructions on how to keep your favourite tools in perfect condition, but also why and what products to use to keep them looking brand new! Follow this and things we'll be as simple as can be!

Beauty New Year's Resolution #2 - Detox Your Beauty Haul

We’re not saying throw it all away, but we are suggesting you check the expiry dates on some of your older products! Newer cosmetics packaging will always feature a small symbol in the shape of a tub, with a number in the centre. This number is how many months you have until the ingredients in the product go off, starting from the day you bought it. If you think something is likely out of date, especially eye makeup products like mascara, then it’s best to toss it to avoid any reactions.

Beauty New Year's Resolution #3 - Try Something New

If you’re anything like us, it can be too easy to find yourself on beauty autopilot sometimes—the same makeup looks, the same hairstyles, the same skincare. Obviously, the easiest way to shake things up is to subscribe to GLOSSYBOXand treat yourself to five amazing new beauty discoveries each month! You know we're right!


Beauty New Year's Resolution #4 - Listen To Your Skin

If you’ve had a few up and down months with your skin, it’s time to start to paying a bit more attention to what it really needs. Keeping a skin journal is a great idea; note down how your skin looks and feels each day, along with what you’ve eaten and the products you’ve used. Patterns should soon emerge to help you figure out what’s really going on.

If you’ve got a skin condition like acne, eczema, rosacea or psoriasis, it’s good to note down your daily habits and routines too, as everything from sleep to exercise can affect your flare ups!

Beauty New Year's Resolution #5 - Look After Your Body

Whether it’s glowier skin or shinier hair you’re hoping for in 2021, good health is at the core of everything. We’re not suggesting you give up pizza - we'd never say such a silly thing! But making small efforts each week to get more fruit and vegetables into your meals will help boost the vitamins you need for good hair, skin and nails. Whilst also getting plenty of sleep and exercising regularly will make sure your systems bring their A-game.

Beauty New Year's Resolution #6 - Show Yourself TLC

Last but most certainly not least, it’s so important to show yourself some TLC regularly. Whether it’s curling up on the sofa to paint your nails, cosying up in front of the TV whilst wearing a face mask, or lighting a few candles and soaking in a warm bath, taking to time pamper yourself is vital for your wellbeing! Even little everyday rituals like applying a creamy body lotion each morning can do wonders for relieving stress - just remember to breath deeply, and be mindful of taking a moment for yourself.

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Emily Cotton
Beauty Editor
View Emily Cotton's profile
I'm someone who loves getting glammed up, but I feel like I never have enough time. Frequently running between work, the gym and seeing friends means my makeup routine is quick and often touched up on the go. Therefore, beauty products that serve as multi-purpose are perfect for me - a blush that works for cheeks and lips is a must in my makeup bag!