Today is Random Acts Of Kindness Day, a time to recognise and celebrate this small things you can do to turn a person’s bad day into a good one.
Related: Mindfulness Easter Monday: Spending Time With Loved Ones
Hopefully you’ve already filled your February with the daily acts of kindness we’ve been sharing with you over social. It’s amazing how the smallest gestures can have the biggest impact. So get out there Glossies, and spread the love…
Random Acts Of Kindness
Buy a coffee for someone in need
Praise someone at work for a job well done
Donate your old towels and blankets to an animal shelter
Compliment a friend on their outfit

Offer your seat to someone who needs it more
Bake a cake for your colleagues
Babysit for a friend who deserves the night off
Tell your loved ones why you appreciate them

Share your beauty haul with a friend in need
Lend a
to a friend for their date nightShare a great book with someone.
Take someone’s shift in carpooling the kids to school

Genuinely thank someone for impacting your life
Donate unwanted clothes to a charity
Compliment a fellow parent on their well-behaved child
Buy a round of drinks without expecting any in return

Ask the cashier how they’re doing today
Spending 10 minutes reminiscing with a friend who needs cheering up
Donate unwanted books to a school
Adopt a pet who is in need of a loving home

Cook someone their favourite meal
Put your loose change into a charity box
Tip your waiter well
Call a friend or relative you haven’t spoken to in a while

Hold the door open for someone
Let a car who’s been waiting ages out of a side road
Write a positive comment on a website or blog
Smile at someone, just because…

These are just a few ideas to get you going. It’s so easy to include them into your daily routine. So don’t stop after today. Help yourself by helping others and put a smile on both your faces. #stayGLOSSY
Due to incredible demand, we’ve now sold out of our February ‘It’s All About Love’ edit. You can still be part of the Glossy family though! Subscribe today to pre-order March’s box – you won’t want to miss it! #stayGLOSSY