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Concentrate, Balm and Foam: Your Guide To Skincare Textures

Writer and expert9 years ago
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There was nothing quite like the unbridled joy of dipping your finger into sweet, buttery cake mix as a child. In fact, it was almost mood-enhancing. A combination of ingredients that when whipped together, form a light, velvety and utterly perfect concoction. skincare textures

Years later, it's the same sensory experience that still totally gets us. But instead of a perfectly whipped dessert, it's pretty pots of goodness that perform sheer miracles on our complexions. You see, texture just makes the experience of applying skincare that bit more indulgent. Balmy, silken, oily or jelly-like, every consistency is whipped up to form a delicious mixture specially designed to assist your skin in absorbing its active ingredients and increasing its efficiency.

We have face creams that are so akin to the consistency of fluffy strawberry mousse it’s unreal and soft-set, bouncy serums that are so like jelly they might as well be served with a side of ice cream. When it comes down to it, choosing the right texture to facilitate what your complexion needs is pretty vital - just like baking the perfect cake,  it’s all about getting the ingredients and consistency completely right.

Have a little look through our Glossy texture encyclopedia and pick one that’s right for you...


Writer and expert
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