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The New BRAUN Silk-épil 9 Flex And How To Use It

The New BRAUN Silk-épil 9 Flex And How To Use It
Writer and expert5 years ago
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Have you heard? We’ve partnered with BRAUN this month and have hidden 10 Golden Tickets in our ‘Love Crosses Borders’ edit. Each lucky winner will receive the brand-new Silk-épil 9 Flex!

A revolutionary, multi-purpose device, it can be used as an epilator, shaver, trimmer and exfoliator all in one. Don’t believe me? Here are three ways to use it.

1. As A Body Epilator


It seems obvious (it is called Silk-épil, after all) but this device is first and foremost an epilator. Don’t be fooled, though, it isn’t just any epilator.

It is the first in the world to boast a flexible head that rotates, moves and adapts to your curves. That’s right! As you glide it over your skin, it maintains that close contact, even when epilating tricky areas. Pair that with their MicroGrip Tweezer technology (which is able to catch hairs as short as 0.5mm) and their SensoSmart Technology (which helps you to apply the right amount of pressure), and you can expect smooth skin for up to 4 weeks.

Better yet, you can choose the cap that best suits your needs. If you have sensitive skin, I’d recommend using the massage roller cap for a gentle epilation, whilst the skin contact cap gives the best results.

Insider Tip

: The Silk-épil 9 Flex can be used wet or dry, which is perfect if you find epilation uncomfortable. You can use it in the bath and shower so that the water acts as a natural soother and protective barrier.

2. As A Shaver And Trimmer


Of course, some areas are sometimes too uncomfortable to epilate or you might simply prefer not to remove all of your hair. Don’t worry! The Silk-épil Flex has you covered there too. It features a shaver and trimmer head that allows you to (you guessed it) shave and trim hairs.

The shaver head turns the Braun Silk-épil 9 Flex epilator into a fully functional shaver, whilst the longhair trimmer comb lets you trim hair where preferred. It's the perfect way of grooming your underarms and bikini line without causing irritation or red bumps.

3. As An Exfoliator

You remember me saying that this was a multifunctional product, right? Well, it even comes with an exfoliation body brush.

You'll receive a Deep Exfoliation Brush which boasts unique triangular-shaped bristles and micro-vibration technology. It offers a deeper exfoliation, removing dead skin cells and preventing ingrown hairs. Once a week, swap out your gentle brush for this one. Apply a body scrub onto the bristles and glide it along your body, working upwards from toe to head.

Your Three-Step Routine:

What’s the point in having so many heads if you don’t use them as part of a healthy skincare routine? So, here’s a quick ritual:

  1. Start by exfoliating your skin so that you have a smooth surface to work off. Pay particular attention to the areas that you want to epilate later.

  2. Epilate your desired areas, using the appropriate cap for more or less sensitive areas.

  3. Shave any delicate areas that are too sensitive to epilate.

And that’s why the new Braun Silk-épil 9 Flex is going to change your self-care routine!

Win The Braun Silk-épil 9 Flex

For your chance to win the new Braun Silk-épil 9 Flex, order your ‘Love Crosses Borders’ February GLOSSYBOX now! If you find a Golden Ticket hidden inside, you’ll be the lucky winner of this new skincare tool. Good luck!

Writer and expert
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