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bareMinerals’ Serum Gives You Younger-Looking Skin

bareMinerals’ Serum Gives You Younger-Looking Skin
Writer and expert5 years ago
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Are you ready to reclaim your summery, sun-kissed glow? Worth over £75, the bareMinerals Limited Edition GLOSSYBOX includes 5 glow-enhancing makeup and skincare products that are filled with clean, natural and good-for-skin ingredients.

I’ve already unveiled the first two sneak peeks (which you can check out here and here). Now though, I’m thrilled to announce that your third product reveal is *drumroll please* the bareMinerals Skinlongevity™ Vital Power Serum!

serum bareMinerals

Skinlongevity™ Vital Power Serum Gets The Glossies’ Stamp Of Approval

Some of you may remember this amazing serum from our 2018 Advent Calendar. Well, it was such a hit, we decided to bring it back in our bareMinerals Limited Edition GLOSSYBOX.

This has got to be the best serum I’ve ever used! It made my skin feel moisturised and vibrant.

@Leah on The GLOSSYBOX website

Why All The Love For bareMinerals' Serum?

This serum is the first vital step towards achieving ridiculously glowy skin.

  • The Secret To Youthful Skin

So what makes bareMinerals' serum so effective? Well, it is formulated with a Long Life Herb Extract. This is an incredible skincare ingredient that grows on the Japanese island of Okinawa, the home of the world’s oldest living female population.

Despite their age, though, these women still have youthful-looking skin – and it’s all thanks to this herb! Full of vitamins and minerals, these vital nutrients replace the minerals that our skin naturally loses as we get older. Basically, it’s a wonder serum that plumps your skin and smooths out fine lines and wrinkles.

  • A Glowingly Healthy Look

The bareMinerals' serum also promotes skin’s vitality by moisturising and strengthening it. Its silky smooth, clear lotion effortlessly sinks into your skin. It’s such a cooling and revitalising feeling!

If you want to maintain healthy, younger-looking skin, then this is how! Plus, the formula really does smell amazing.

Think Skincare First

This is the best beauty tip I can ever give you Glossies: always think skincare first. We can all agree that makeup is a wonderful thing, but it should be used to enhance your look, not to cover up bad skin. That’s why, if you really want to make the most of your makeup, you need a great base. That, of course, starts with healthy skin.

After cleansing, gently massage two pumps of bareMinerals' serum over your face and neck twice a day. Give it a few days and you’ll really notice how radiant and healthy your complexion is starting to look!

bareMinerals serum

More Product Reveals To Come

I’ve already revealed that our bareMinerals Limited Editon GLOSSYBOX includes the BAREPRO Glow Highlighter Drops and the Glow Bronzer. Over the next couple of days, I’ll be unveiling the full contents of our box on our blog and across our social channels.

There are even more exciting products still to come!

When Will The bareMinerals Limited Edition Go On Sale?

The bareMinerals Limited Edition GLOSSYBOX will go on sale to subscribers at

1pm on Tuesday 24th of September

. Non-subscribers can get theirs from 7pm onwards.

Subscribers also receive an exclusive £5 discount (it only costs them £25, as opposed to the non-subscribers price of £30).

Subscribe For Priority Access

Quick warning, our Limited Editions sell out fast! Subscribe now to get priority access and a £5 discount.

Writer and expert
View GLOSSYBOX's profile