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10 Moments When Wet Wipes Saved The Day

10 Moments When Wet Wipes Saved The Day
Lydia Woodward
The Queen Of Curls6 years ago
View Lydia Woodward's profile

We know that every girl needs a wet wipe in her handbag, because we all have Bridget Jones moments from time to time during busy days at work, uni or looking after the kids. We popped a pack of the bestselling 

Be Fresh Antibacterial Wipes

from Wet Onesinside your September Back To School GLOSSYBOXES that'll come to the rescue when you most need them!

Whether you need to freshen up or clean up, these handy wipes are an on the go must-have. They kill 99.9% of bacteria and are gentle, dermatologically tested and pH balanced meaning they are suitable to be used on your hands, body and the kids too.

Here's a roundup of our top moments when we were thankful for our handy handbag heroes...

1 To wipe your phone

We've all experienced that moment when we pull our phones away from our ear and see we've left a smear of foundation across the screen. Take one of your Be Fresh wipes, give it a quick wipe and nobody will ever know.

2 When you've tested half of the makeup in the shop and want to carry on shopping

Ever cover your hand with so many swatches you need room to try even more lipsticks, concealers and foundations?! Well Be Fresh are the answer to our swatching prayers.

3 When you have to use a questionable public toilet

And there isn't soap in the dispenser...using a Wet One is effectively a hand wash on the go. 

4 When you're running late and getting ready in a taxi Bridget Jones style

Sometimes a girl gets carried away with blusher and we have that Bridget Jones moment. The worst thing is when you catch your clown like reflection in the mirror halfway through an evening soirée. Bridget Jones could have done with wipes in her clutch bag that evening...

The good news is that the Wet Ones Be Gentlewipes can be used on your face so when you repurchase, bear this in mind.

5 When your liquid hand sanitizer gets confiscated at airport security 

Don't worry, you can take your wipes on the plane instead!

6 When someone asks for a lift and you panic clean your car

When you think to yourself, I'll just wipe the dashboard and they won't notice the mess.

7 When your colleague with a cold uses your mouse

The awkward moment when a colleague comes over to show you something and uses your keyboard and mouse...

8 When a mean boy texts you and your mascara bleeds

TheWet Ones Be Gentlerange can be used on your face - hallelujah the ultimate girly necessity.

9 Wearing your box fresh trainers outdoors for the first time and you step in a puddle

Don't worry you can just wipe them.

10 When you're on public transport and the guy next to sneezes in your direction

Wipe your hands and frankly everything else.

Other Products In The Wet Ones Range

All Wet Ones antibacterial wipes kill 99.9% of bacteria so you'll be pleased to know that they have 4 more ranges with gorgeous fragrances: Be Cute, Be Gentle, Be Zingy and Sticky Fingers.

Don’t miss out on the Be Fresh Antibacterial Wipes from Wet Ones in this educational edit of 6 beauty essentials that’ll have you looking absolutely impeccable this September. Join us here to receive our latest beauty edit and be a part of the Glossy community.

Credit: All GIFS are from

Lydia Woodward
The Queen Of Curls
View Lydia Woodward's profile
I am always searching for future trends - beauty, fashion, hair, you name it! I’ve tried every foundation under the sun and love trying up-and-coming makeup brands to compare them with the big names. Variety is the spice of life and my makeup bag is definitely wide-ranging.