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Are You Contouring Your Face Correctly?

Writer and expert8 years ago
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Contouring is all about the art of using different shades to give the illusion of more defined features. While it's a pretty simple thing to do once you've got the hang of it, there are a few mistakes many of us make without really knowing it, and if you're happy with the outcome when mistakes have been made, imagine how happy you'll be when the finish is totally mistake free!

From using the wrong brush to ensuring you've correctly mapped out your face, here are a few mistakes you could be making and how to fix them!

You're using the wrong brush

If you've been using your foundation brush, stop. Using the right tool is an essential first step and a flat brush makes for the perfect shape. You can use it at an angle for precision contouring or use it straight on to buff it all in for a perfect finish.

Work with your own features, not someone else's

It goes without saying, it's imperative you map out your face so you can figure out exactly where things should go. Take a little time to look in the mirror and work out your face shape, alongisde identifying the hollows and high points of your face - if you don't do this it'll look as though the light is hitting your features in an odd way. It's all about determining what you want to bring out, be it accentuating killer cheekbones or creating a stronger jawline.

Light Vs shade

Keep in mind two simple rules: light colours will bring things forward and make things appear more prominent, while dark shades will make them recede - so determine the shape of your face and which areas you want to focus your attention on first!

Using the wrong shades

It's important you opt for hues that work in harmony with your natural skin tone, as you're mimicking natural shadows and highlights. Don't opt or something too dark - you should pick something that's roughly two shades darker than the colour of your foundation. Clinique's Chubby Stick Sculpting Contour is the ideal colour for adding the perfect amount of definition to your face.

Blend, blend, blend

The biggest mistake? Not blending properly. Use a flat brush or a sponge and work your contour lines outwards to soften the edges.

Step one


Step two


Step three


Step four


Step five


Step six


Step seven


Step eight


Step nine


Step ten: blend!


Writer and expert
View GLOSSYBOX's profile